
Missed a Sunday?  No problem!  Check out our sermons page for links to all of our pastor's messages for this year and a link to our Vimeo page where all of our sermons are archived.

Worship Songs for This Sunday

Want a preview of what is coming in worship this Sunday?  Check this page out to be in the know and ready to worship this week!


Want to keep posted on all of the happenings inside the church? Stay tuned in with our monthly Newsletter. You will get an update on all the events and happenings going on inside and outside of the church.  Click on "More" to download the latest newsletter.


Want to keep posted on all of the happenings inside the church? Stay tuned in with our weekly bulletin. You will get an update on all the events and happenings going on inside and outside of the church.  Click on "More" to download the latest bulletin.

Our most RECENT SERMONS are on the Vimeo Link above.