Worship Ministry
Our ministry is dedicated to the glorification of our great God. We believe that as Christ is exalted and lifted on high people will be drawn to Him. We believe that coming into the presence of our Holy God in worship has the power to transform us as it did Isaiah. The holiness of God exposes our sin. The grace of God forgives. When we respond in faith,the mercy we find Jesus compels us to respond in obedience to His call on our lives.
There are many ways that you can serve in the worship ministry! We would love for you to join our ministry and be a part of leading our body in worship each week.
CHOIR- Our choir is open to members of all ages and abilities. No audition is required. The choir meets each Sunday evening at 6:00 for rehearsal. We enjoy fellowship and community each week preparing for weekly and seasonal music and close each rehearsal in a time of devotion and prayer.
PRAISE TEAM- Our praise teams are all made up of singers who participate in the choir. We have four different teams that rotate on a weekly basis in our services. In addition to choir rehearsals these teams meet for a rehearsal to prepare for congregational worship.
PRAISE BAND- The praise band meets each Thursday night at 6:30 for rehearsal. The praise band is an audtioned group that has a solid core of members who play routinely along with several other members who alternate weeks of service.
PRODUCTION TEAM- Our production team is made up of our sound and light board operators, media operator and video camera operator. We have several operators that work on rotations in our services and we are always looking for more volunteers to serve.
YOUTH BAND- Our Life 122 Youth Ministry has their own worship band and praise team that leads their Wednesday night gatherings and often provides worship leadership on retreats. This team is led by pastor Jonathan Kyle.
CHILDREN'S CHOIR/SIGN AND STICK- Our children's choir and Sign and Stick team is under the leadership of our children's director Christy Johns. Jenny Steinle is our children's choir director and Christy leads the Sign and Stick team.