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Psalm 23
Easter-Unbelieveable (Jonathan Kyle)
Praying with Jesus Towards Church Revitalization
The Irrefutable Results of a Praying People
"The Unbelieveable Priority of Prayer"
"The Irrepressible Example for Leaders" (Jonathan Kyle)
"The Unequiviocal Expectation for Unity"
"Irrevocable Nature of Christ's Lordship" (Jamie Work)
"Insurmountable Value of God's Word" (Jonathan Kyle)
"Indispensible Demand for Faith" (David Delmotte)
Under-Rowers of Christ (Shannon Brown)
Exodus 13 Series
God is Intentional, Personal, and All Powerful
John 1 Series
Acts 2-3 Series
Times of Refreshing (Jonathan Kyle)
The People in Your Life (Phil Taylor)
2 Chronicles Series
2 Chronicles 20:24-31: With Joy
2 Chronicles 20:1-13: Our Eyes Are on You
The Mysterious Hand of God (Pastor Jamie Work)
A Song of Confidence-Psalm 27 (Pastor Dave Delmotte)
Joshua Series:Memorial/Altars
Joshua 5:Face to Face-The Captain of the Lord's Host
Joshua 4:Stones Memorial/Altar
Bull's-Eye Discipleship Series
Bull's Eye: Surrender and Obey
One Another One Another Part 2
Guest Speaker: Dr. Brendon Witte
Acts 7 Series:
Resolved (Jonathan Kyle)
Drawing Near (Jonathan Kyle)
Discipleship Message: Dr. Denley Caughman
Leviticus 19 Series
Holiness: God is Serious About Being God
He is Holy:We Should Be Holy (Jonathan Kyle)
Psalm 27 Series:
Open Invitation (Jonathan Kyle)
Fixing our Eyes on Jesus: Discipline
Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus: Since We....Let US...Let US
"What Compels You"
Guest Speaker Brad S.
The King is Here: Glory in the Highest
The King is Here: Born...Savior...Christ
The King is Here: Good News Great Joy
The King is Here: Don't Be Afraid
11/25/2018 The Wise and the Foolish Builder
(Guest Speaker Dr. Brendon Witte)
11/11/2018 Walk After the Lord
11/04/2018 Hear the Words of the Book
10/21/2018 Exodus 14: In the Middle
10/14/2018 Exodus 14: Do Not Fear
10/07/2018 Exodus 14 Going Out Boldy
Message 1: Word2Life Disciplemaking Introduction and Tool Usage
Message 2: Abide in the Word-Seek the Lord and Be Glad
Message 3: Abide in Prayer-Call Upon the Lord
Message 4: Abide/Love in Worship- Private and Congregational
Message 5: Loving One Another - Community Part 1 (Sermon Notes Only)
Message 6: Loving One Another- Community Part 2 (Sermon Notes Only)
Message 7: Serving in the Church and In the World
Message 8: Bearing Fruit: Making Disciples
Neighboring Sermon Series
Message 2: Fulfill the Royal Law
Message 3: Proclaim His Excellencies and Behave Excellently
Sub-Series on "The Gospel"
Message 5: "The Holy Creator God"
Message 6: "Man's Rebellion and Sin"
Message 8: "Faith and Surrender"
05/20/2018 Take Up Your Cross Daily
05/06/2018 No video available
04/01/2018 Firstborn from the Dead
03/11/2018 Unrepentant Bullies
03/04/3018 God Gives Us Assurance in Our Calling
Stewardship Emphasis: Seeking God's Best
Message 1: Joseph a Man of Promise
Message 2: Joseph-His First and Best Despite His Situation
Message 3: Joseph a Man of Progress
Message 4: Joseph a Man of Process
01/21/2018 Priority, Provision, Power
01/14/2018 No Video-Guest Missionary
01/07/2018 Servants Serve. Workers Work
12/17/2017 See...Worship...Offer
12/03/2017 No Video Available
11/26/2017 Prepared me for Burial
11/19/2017 Inherit the Kingdom
10/22/2017 Righteous and Brokenhearted
10/15/2017 No Recording-Guest Missionary
10/08/2017 Delivered From Fear
10/01/2017 Exalt His Name Together
09/24/2017 Hold Fast the Word of Life
09/17/2017 Guest Speaker- Heath Eslinger
09/10/2017 God Helps Those Who Humble Themselves
09/03/2017 Jesus Humbled Himself
08/27/2017 A Gospel Message, A Gospel Hope, A Gloomy Hour
08/20/2017 The Lord is Our Righteousness
08/13/2017 His Loving Kindness is Everlasting
07/23 and 07/30 Guest missionary...no video available
07/09-2017 Watch Yourselves...Do Not Forget
07/02/2017 Love...Teach Diligently...Do
06/25/2017 Be at Peace- Overcome Evil With Good
06/18/2017 Devoted to One Another and Prayer
06/11/2017 Members of One Another
06/04/2017 No Video Available
05/28/2017 The Lamb of God
05/14/2017 Believe...Receive...Children of God
04/30/2017 Remember: New Testament
04/23/2017 Remember: His Past Faithfulness = Future Trust
04/16/2017 Something New...Spring Forth
04/09/2017 You are My Witnesses
03/26/2017 Gracious Vs. Greedy (Audio Only)
03/19/2017 A Faithful Man
03/12/2017 Be Gracious...Confess
03/05/2017 Seek the Lord...Walk in Integrity
02/26/2017 Descendants...Generations
02/19/2017 Exceedingly Fruitful
02/12/2017 Applying the Gospel to Life: Grace
02/05/2017 Walk Before Me
01/29/2017 Christ Jesus’ Attitude
01/22/2017 United in Spirit
01/15/2017 Striving Together
01/08/2017 Fruitful Labor
01/01/2017 To Live is Christ
For messages from before 2017 please visit our Vimeo channel (here).